Results are in from my solargraph experiment.
Here are two shots made using pinhole cameras with an exposure setting of four months!
Mihiwaka Solagraph
The sun trails indicate how clear the weather was between when the camera was set, winter solstice, and when it was taken down, 26 September. You can see how shady it is at our house at mid winter by the ridgeline of the hill obscuring the sun.
Careys Bay solargraph
I scanned this one in colour. Shot from my father's house in Carey's Bay looking north towards Aramoana. I was interested to see how it not only recorded which days were clear or cloudy but also which days the harbour was calm enough to reflect the sun.
Same time period as Mihiwaka solargraph.
The idea for these solargrams came from this website I came across a few months ago
This chap, Justin Quinnell, is doing some bizarre things with light and is really funny to read as well. I like his approach to things.
This work by Chris Reid is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.